I watched this SIMPLE video (seriously, it's 2:22. Super easy) about 6 simple tips
to keep kids engaged in distance learning after one of our daily morning coffee
chats (which I LOVE LOVE LOVE!) and wanted to share.
Now some of it is SUPER cheesy but I did get s few takeaways:
1- Be authentic! Have you SEEN the daily announcements? We make mistakes, we
laugh,we know we don't know EVERYTHING about tech and we can freely admit it!!
2- Have one central "hub" for info (Google Classroom, which you all have NAILED!) and
feel free to send words of praise, positive vibes, encouraging messages, etc! Virtual
Good News Referrals CAN be done via Google Classroom!
3- I am sure you all have reviewed it, so stick to your norms. No, middle schoolers
shouldn't be posting TikToks in Google Classroom. No, there should not be rap jams
played in the background when they are meeting with you =) Yes, everyone needs to be
fully clothed =)
4- Relationship building activities are FUN! Try them with your classes! Pictionary
5- Set online office hours. Well. You nailed that too, so yay!
6- Create polls, Kahoots, Meet Nows, etc to keep them focused. Prizes can be mailed!
FROM GVMS PTC (AGAIN! and last time!) :
Teacher classroom budgets (the $200 (returning) or $400 (new) per teacher):
Teachers can continue to spend their remaining funds through June 1, 2020
(we are unable to exceed the original amount per teacher). If they feel that upgrades
to online programs, headsets, microphones, etc are beneficial to the new distance learning
situation, and they have the funds remaining in their account, we are fully supportive.
If they can please send copies of their expenses with descriptions to abbypreston@gmail.com
OR they can email to ask for the mailing address, if they need to mail something.
We'll mail out reimbursement checks. Any funds not spent out of these budgets after
June 1st will not carry over into the next school year as it is the close of PTC's fiscal year!
(we are unable to exceed the original amount per teacher). If they feel that upgrades
to online programs, headsets, microphones, etc are beneficial to the new distance learning
situation, and they have the funds remaining in their account, we are fully supportive.
If they can please send copies of their expenses with descriptions to abbypreston@gmail.com
OR they can email to ask for the mailing address, if they need to mail something.
We'll mail out reimbursement checks. Any funds not spent out of these budgets after
June 1st will not carry over into the next school year as it is the close of PTC's fiscal year!
Program specific funds:
The funds for these specific departments can continue to be spent, as long as receipts are emailed or mailed to me. These funds will carry over to the 2020-2021 school year. The departments we track funds for are: Band/Music, BSU, Honor Society, Science, Leadership, Art, After school Sports, and College & Career Club. If possible, please have receipts submitted by June 1st.